Disclaimer: EliteFTS Team member David Allen writes all of my programming, The exercises listed in these posts' are designed for me based on my needs as an athlete.
So after the strongman competition that took place this weekend I may have lost my training partner due to them running said competition then, being generally weak overall, having his immune system fail and allowing him to get sick. So what ends up happening is;
Training Partner: "I missed last workout I am going to do that"
In my head: "You want me to do the same workout again, back to back, that has 10 second negative squats?!, yeah, F*** that"
That being said, does this qualify me for a meat head matchup????
Bottom line is, I bro'ed out and I bro'ed out hard! Hat (almost flat bill), headphones, and a tank top, basically everything my gym family laughs at (which was me all afternoon).
This workout was actually very efficient, I was able to move through everything at my own pace and did a decent job of keeping my rest to a minimum, I had a tendency to slip a few times as we have a lot of people in need of help at our facility due to an upcoming powerlifting meet.
The workout got done and I was not wrecked which I was surprised about, I got the newbie thoughts of, "did I not go hard enough?" These thoughts lasted throughout the night till I woke up the next day and felt (to my imagination) as though I had tetanus. It took me a minute or so to straighten my arms from how sore my biceps were and not just biceps my whole body was destroyed.
I don't usually do biceps but, when I do, 6x6 with a 45 second break in between is what I do and they are awful
*Single Arm DB Rows 3 sets of max with a 30 sec break in between each set (do one arm then go to the other)
*Pullups do 3 warm up sets, then do 5 sets to failure
*Single Arm Lat Loaded Stretch
*EZ Bar Curls work up to a heavy set of 6 reps, then do 6 sets of 6 with a 45 sec break in between
*EZ Bar Preacher Curl Loaded Stretch
*Single Leg Laying Leg Curls with a 10 sec negative (add bands)
*Rear Delt Destroyer
*Band Pull A Part Occlusion set: red