Coming off of week three, thinking today would be a leisurely breezy Saturday morning- was the farthest thing from the truth.
The old man had us set up the bench with doubled over purples, mind you this is our speed day. Usually 9x3 bumping up after every three sets. Our first three sets of five, yes FIVE were 225lb bar weight with the doubled purples.
Our second three sets were 275 bar weight, and our third was 315 lbs - shit was fucking heavy. We knocked out 9x5 for speed with about 500 somethings pounds in under 20 minutes. I was fucking shot.
We hit triceps, shoulders, and biceps and called it a morning- I think my biggest misconception, or better yet misunderstanding about being here was the pace. I'd bet the farm no other gym in this country goes about DE work the way we do there- especially on DE lower.