I’m currently in off season mode working on bringing up certain qualities and weaknesses I noticed from the IPA Grand Prix Nationals. This training will be laying the ground for my training cycle into the 2016 XPC Finals.
For programming and coaching inquires, please email SmitleyPerformanceSystems@gmail.com
Thursday wrapped another solid week of training. I'm still progressing pretty well with my close grip bench pressing, and I'm loving all the back training. The weather here has been pretty nice lately, so it's be good to not really have to do anything but shut the door and get to work. I'm ready for a good squat day on Saturday.
Items Used in this Training Session
American Press Bar
Mini Bands
Econo Core Blaster
Meadows Handle
Spud Ab Strap
Warm Up
Band Straight Arm Pulldowns - 2x20
Band Pressdowns - 2x20
Band Pull Aparts - 2x20
Push Ups - 2x20
A1) Swiss Bar Speed Bench Press vs Doubled Mini Bands
45x5 - add bands
B1) Close Grip Bench Press
260x8 - PR
C1) Incline DB Bench Press
55's x 8
65's x 8
75's x 8
90's x 15
D1) Pull Ups vs Mini Band
3 sets of failure
E1) Landmine Row's w/ Rope
F1) Meadows Row
3x10 per arm
G1) Spud Strap Cable Rows
H1) Band Pull Aparts
200 total reps
I1) Plank Hold off GHR
4x45 sec