Deads were a bit slow from the bottom. This is a little over 75% of my 1RM. Just going over the checklist of my set up and lifting with intention aka speed. I've never been an explosive lifter and like control. How I can create the force and that speed is key and something I need to figure out how to turn on.
Sumo deadlift 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 250x3, 285x5x3
GHR 4X10
Pull throughs 3x12 with band + fatbells
Upper back - SSB good morning variation 4 x 15 - this I took from Blaine Sumner. Just using the SSB was suffice. I didn't need any weight or overload. If I wasn't bracing properly, it made it that much more tough. Loved implementing these and super setting them with face pulls to target upper, mid and low back.
superset with facepulls 4 x 20