Awful 18 warm up
Trap bar dl 205/240/270x5, 205x15
Inverted rows x20x15x10x5
Dbl concentration curls 20 3x10

Alternative 18 warm up
Treadmill hiit 30 minutes

Airdyne 20 minutes

Performing deadlifts and squats continues to pay dividends. My lower body feels good. I believe most of it is due to the fact that I am performing each rep like a single, I am limiting other movements, and my warm up seems to cover a lot of what causes me little glitches.

I have to keep my eye on the prize. I can't just jump up to 500+ lbs next month on the squat and deadlift even though I feel I am capable. I think after a month or so of this I might experiment with the + reps on 5/3/1. For anyone recovering from injuries, you know hard it is to be patient. Fro those who have not been injured "YET" remember, be patient when you come back.

My conditioning is really coming along. I'm doing some interval sprints on the treadmill and actually enjoying it. I don't even know who I am anymore.