“I’m not good enough to do __________”

   How often have you had a statement like this creep into your internal dialogue? How often have you been in the midst of a situation and felt your confidence shrink, even when others would think the opposite?

   We rarely like to admit it, but we’ve all faced situations where we can almost hear the voices telling us we can’t, we shouldn’t, we won’t; as we approach opportunities in our lives. The ironic part of it all, is that often times the opportunities where doubt creeps in the most, are opportunities that were given to us for a reason.

   I’ve had the opportunity to spend time with some very successful and hard working people in our industry (coaches, entrepreneurs, competitors, etc) the past few years. In this time I’ve noticed over and over again that the same characteristics which drive men and women forward to great opportunities, can wear them down with doubt and discouragement at times. This certainly doesn’t apply to everyone, but just in my own life and some of those around me; I’ve noticed that the desire to do things to the best of your ability, to take pride in your work, to do things with excellence; can bring along with it frustration, discouragement, anxiety, and doubt.

Joe Chalk Bowl

If you find yourself struggling with these thoughts, consider a few questions. During the tough times, do you allow these negative feelings to define who you are? Even when they only exist alongside the positive values instilled inside you?

How often have you been faced with a great opportunity, one which you were given because of who you are; your values, your work ethic, and your abilities.. But as doubt started to creep in, you allowed yourself to start repeating that same sentiment:

“I’m not good enough to do __________”

   I have one last question I’d like you to ask yourself. Think about the person in your life that you respect and look up to the most.  Someone that you know who cares about you and your well-being, and isn’t afraid to tell you the truth. This could be a friend, a family member, or even (or especially) God. In this same situation, would they tell you that you weren’t good enough? Would they define you by your faults as opposed to your strengths?

Chances are if you’ve made your way to great opportunities, it’s been through being hard on yourself and at times being your own worst critic. Realize that with this comes the struggle of being your own worst enemy. Negativity from people around you isn’t your problem. What’s most dangerous are the things you are saying to yourself.

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Everyone is different, and I won’t pretend that I can identify with every single person reading this. What I can say, is that if you struggle with the inner demon that is discouragement, and you feel it’s grip amidst the great opportunities in front of you; that you don’t have to let those things define you. The people around you that see your value and character don’t define you by your doubts, your discouragement, or your anxiety. Even if you’ve struggled to surround yourself with supportive people, I can tell you right now that God doesn’t define you by your faults either. The sooner we can learn to define ourselves this way, and stop telling ourselves we aren’t good enough, we can fully take advantage of the opportunities in front of us. You’re where you are for a reason, and there is no asterisk next to your opportunities that say “must be perfect before you start”. We’ll never be perfect, but we can learn to pursue improvement without tearing ourselves down in the process.

   The next time you find yourself struggling with the demon of discouragement, remember that you’ve been placed in your current situation for a reason. Take advantage of it, and don’t let anyone (including yourself) stop you.

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