At this time my strongman schedule is not yet determined leading into the fall. I am slowly working back into grip training with several opportunities, goals and competitions on the horizon which may also include Highland Games late this fall. My training time has been extremely limited due to actual physical access to the equipment due to exploding gym hours and new members. While it's a great problem to have, I long for the days of having a home gym so I could train whenever I want to.
This week was week 4, deload. Things feel good, I just hate not having a big picture idea of where I am headed. Looks like there has been a change for grip competition in January. I am waiting for an update next month perhaps to help determine a potential plan.
This week looked like:
Treadmill - 5 days, 30 minutes
The point here is just getting ready to go back to work. The first month is exhausting with many long hour days and running around all day non stop. Experience tells me if I spend time on just the treadmill it makes those days much more manageable with reduced stress.
Tues & Thurs - Kettlebells...IKR?
Just kept it nice and simple. Three sets of:
10 swings, both arms
10 swings, left arm
10 swings, right arm
Rest three minutes, repeat x3.
As I improve my abilities on this, I may pick Sheri's brain on a more structured program. Time will tell.
Light gripper work 3 x's times this week ---3x10