Monday was a shirt day at Apollon. I've been experimenting with a couple of new prototype shirts from METAL this past month, And out of the two, I've settled on the one I'm going to try to compete in next. It's the stiffer of the two, which suits my style of bench a bit better.
I've already touched 585, and taken 675 to a two board, so today I wanted to see if I could touch something a little closer to an opener (usually between 600-625).
Here's how it went.
bar x a bunch
95 x 5
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 1
275 x 1
315 x 1
3 board
365 x 1
Raw with Shirt
455 - 3 board
495 - 2 board
545 - 1 board
600 - touch
The 600 was SMOOTH. Touched easily and glided right into lockout. By far the cleanest bench I've hit since I outgrew my ACE. I'm really excited about this shirt now. The support is all there, yet the groove is way more forgiving than with my previous shirt. I can't wait to hit the meet platform in this shirt!
After the bench work, I did 4 sets of 20 on the dip machine for triceps. I tend not to do much in the way of assistance after shirt benching because I'm already pretty beat to hell at that point, and just about everything already hurts.