After Monday's max lower session I felt great, I could have kept squatting all day. Tuesday I could not walk, literally. Going down the stairs hurt so bad I have never had DOMS like that ever.
At work I used the handicap stall, I could hardly sit, my glutes and quads were fried. As the day got longer, sitting and walking became harder. Wed was just as bad, so I had no choice if I could not train I must do something right?
How do you get rid of DOMS? you walk it off, you roll it off.
AH, the dreaded forgotten about treadmill in the far corner of the gym all of a sudden became my saviour !
I took a nice gentle 30 Min walk to get some of the lactic acid out of my legs.
Next best friend is the good old foam roller which incidentally did not feel like my friend at all, it hurt like hell but was necessary so I rolled and rolled and fought the pain.
Hopefully I will be able to get some lighter training in tomorrow. A max effort session after a long break may not have been the smartest thing to do but I never claimed to be that smart !
#livelearnpasson #foamroll #doms #omgithurts