Powerlifter and newbie JiuJitsu fanatic. My last meet was the XPC Finals at the Arnold Classic where I totaled 865 at a bodyweight of 132 lbs. Currently prepping for my next meet in December with XPC to re-qualify for the Arnold.
Soooo I kind of haven't been able to train since last Sunday.
Yeah. Sucks.
On Friday I was feeling a little run down, and Saturday as well, but it wasn't until Sunday that I REALLY started to feel off. I may have come down with some kind of a chest infection it feels like. So I have been doing nothing but sleeping and eating for the last 4 days!
I think that tomorrow will be my last day off, and I will try to get in some work on Saturday and Sunday.
I am not following a very set routine at the moment, because for now my estimated percentages/maxes are TOTALLY out of whack. But my "routine" for the next month or two will be something like this:
Monday: Heavy back + deadlifts
Tuesday AM: Light upper + plyos
Tuesday PM: JiuJitsu
Wednesday: Off
Thursday AM: Heavy upper + plyos
Thursday PM: JiuJitsu
Friday: Off
Saturday: Active recovery/GPP
Sunday: Heavy lower
I added in the plyo work for some extra cardio and also to help me develop some more explosive power (aids mostly in my jiujitsu training but also has carry-over to my powerlifting). My leg days will be HEAVILY quad focused for now because I really need to bring them up in strength and size to support me out of the hole more.
My schedule is a bit random right now though especially since I am not fully settled. I am in the middle of a lot of things, one of the bigger ones being finding a new place to live, and my work schedule varies a lot at the moment while we are finding a weekend replacement. So for now I am happy to get in the gym 3-4 days a week, with 3x being a more realistic average.
But we'll see how this pans out for now. I can't wait until the dust settles a little bit and I will be able to get back into things fully.
I think the hardest part is balancing out the work, personal, and athlete life. You have to know how to distinguish between all of them, and utilize your time properly so that you aren't wasting it or putting too much energy into the wrong things.
Here's to balance. 🙂