Not really. Just kind of achey after using it pretty aggressively.

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Some of the work from yesterday. Getting under the duffalo and going to be ramping up over the next month or two getting used to sleeves again. I liked how a lot of these looked and tried to emulate the foot position I mentioned last week. Who would have thought more adductor involvement, would therefore result in my adductor being stressed out lol. Skipped a large amount of accesory work to do soft tissue work and flossing to get it settled down, but will be more prepared in the future. 6s, then chain tempo 3s. . . . @scottmiller5 @kabuki_virtualcoaching @kabukistrengthlab @elitefts @brandon_senn @team_sibya @leviathannutrition @positionusa #TeamEliteFTS #STRONGTHESULLIVANWAY #kabukistrength #TeamKS #KSVirtualCoaching

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Duffalo Squat
555 3x6

Duffalo Squat + Chain 5:3:X
475 4x3

SKipped everything else to do soft tissue work and get my adductor feeling better. SOmetimes it happens like that. I'll come back and make up for it during my next session.

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