7/1 was my accessory day in its usual format - Lat pulldown variation, front raises, side raises, 3 different rear delt exercises, biceps/triceps, and GHR's. On this day, I am big on variety and enjoy selecting exercises by feel.
7/3 - "Speed" Bench Day
In past programs under coach Mike's direction, we have utilized this second bench day in a truer sense of the word "speed". As in 50-65% of my 1RM for anywhere between 8-12 sets of 2-3 reps, rotating percentages in 3 week waves. For this prep, however, the second bench day in my program is pretty much becoming a second lighter, but still relatively heavy bench day. So far, I've gotta say my shoulders, elbows, lumbar spine, and the like are holding up pretty well to this increase in frequency, so I'm curious to see what type of PR'age this will lead into come meet day.
Bench Press
Worked up to 405 for 5 sets of 2
Close Grip Fat Bar Floor Press (Airex pads under elbows)
365 for 4 sets of 2
385 x 2
- Up until this point in my training cycle, I have been using the football bar for floor pressing as it tends to be easier on my elbows and shoulders than a straight bar does. However, today it was really bugging the hell out of my shoulders, so I grabbed an axle / fat bar from my gym's strongman corner and gave it a whirl. It turned out to be a great decision. The open hand position treated my joints kindly. I added Airex foam pads underneath my elbows because without them, floor pressing with the axle was almost a full ROM movement which is not the goal here.
Swiss Bar Military Press
185 x 8
195 x 8
205 x 8
215 x 8
- Glad to see these are still going strong and pain free.
DB Twist Extensions superset w/ DB Hammer Curls
- DB twist extensions are just dumbbell Skullcrushers where you pronate your hand hard as you get to lockout. These really fry the long head of my tricep. Grabbed this exercise from Matt Wenning, and everyone I've showed these to since has loved them just as much as I do.