Sat, 7 Feb 15
I did not feel like training today. This hasn't happened in a long time and the only thing I could figure was I was tired and stressed from a frustrating week and I was singing Johnny Cash's Ring of Fire during each loaf I pinched this morning. It's actually not that I didn't want to train, but rather that for once I wanted to push it back til the afternoon instead of hitting it hard early AM. But I sacked up and did what needed to be done.
Keg C&P
warmed up with some axle C&P
2x230 - Added belt
Conan's Wheel
2x2 laps x 90 - One run CW, one run CCW
2 laps x 180 - Once each way
2 laps x 270 - Once each way
2x2 laps x 360 - One run CW, one run CCW - All runs done beltless
14x60'xprowler+180 - 3 man rotation plus Mike's gf, Kim, jumped in for a few pushes. She also took the Conan's wheel for a spin with 90 lbs on it, which was awesome. This combined with Mike Hedleskey hitting a PR double on squats in his garage, Mike Collela hitting a new axle C&J PR, and Ryan hitting a post-surgery axle C&J PR at the Unit made this a good day despite that fact that I contributed nothing besides poop jokes today.