I’m currently in meet prep for the 2016 XPC Finals at the Arnold Sports Festival on March 5th, in Columbus, Ohio. I will be competing at 132 pounds, raw with knee wraps.

For programming and coaching inquires, please email SmitleyPerformanceSystems@gmail.com

Monday was still planned to be a day where I get in some extra upper body work. This works out great as it was giving my lower body some more rest and my back some recovery.

After my morning clients, I immediately headed to the chiropractor. He gave me a good assessment, and it appeared that my SI joint was essentially all twisted up (left facing) and my right illium (hip bone) was jammed up much higher, with some minor L4 and L5 misalignment. He gave me a good tune up and some minor soft tissue work on the erectors and upper glutes. I was immediately feeling much better. The erectors were still a bit tight, but he thought that the inflammation was pretty low, especially considering I was still withing the 48 hour window. I will be making another visit on Thursday to reassess and get another tune up to keep things in check. The pain has really dissipated to about a 4/10, and very rarely does it bother me. So I think things are moving in the right direction. The good thing,...there is still a lot of time for recovery and to get things right. Not ideal, but I'm very optimistic that things are going to be good to go as long as I stay on top of everything.

Items Used in this Training Session

A1) Neutral Grip Chest Press Machine

B1) Single Arm Seated Cable Rows
3x10 per arm

C1) Chest Supported Rows

D1) Tricep Extension Machine

E1) Scott Curls


Chiropractor Adjustment and Diagnosis
3, 30 min ice sessions
2, 60 min stim sessions
PRI Breathing Drills (all three)
Extra Foam Rolling and Soft Tissue Work on Glutes, Hams, TFL