Fri, 14 Apr 17

Today the weather was awesome except for the current maelstrom of pollen swirling around the eastern shore until it rains, so I decided to join my girlfriend in the garage and just mess around with some extra and/or stupid stuff while she worked out.

Axle Sotts Press --> the stupid stuff

10x70 - Normal standing presses.






1x160 - This was slow and stupid so I stopped here cause I only did this for fun to calm the ta-tas of one of my former training partners, Mike Collela.

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Neck Extension/Horizontal Band Pullaparts --> the extra stuff

2x{20x40/20x mini}

Neck Flexion/Horizontal Band Pullaparts --> more extra stuff

2x{20x20/20x mini}

I have been wanting/needing to add neck work back into my training and the insta-pump I got from doing it today reinforced this weakness.  I stuck with 2 sets of each to make sure I didn't get massively sore since I am heading to Brute Strength Gym tomorrow to train the events for the Highlander comp in 2 weeks.