I’m currently in meet prep for the 2015 IPA Grand Prix Nationals at the Greater Columbus Convention Center on October 24th, in Columbus, Ohio. I will be competing at 132 pounds, raw with knee wraps.
For programming and coaching inquires, please email SmitleyPerformanceSystems@gmail.com
This wrapped up the final week of "training" for the meet. As you can see, things were pretty damn light and designed to help increase blood flow and just keep me loose and feeling good going into meet day. So pretty straight forward.
In terms of the meet prep thoughts and summary, I thought it was a pretty damn good, successful meet prep. I only missed one rep the entire cycle (my second rep on my final day of bench pressing against bands). And it was a miss that I thought was not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. My bench press has felt the strongest it ever has, so I think this lift is where I will expect to see the biggest improvement, even if I am conservative and don't not a big push for a third. As for my squat, I hit a 30 lb training PR to cap the cycle off, and I'm very pleased with this. I tend to squat much better on meet day than I do in training, so if that carries over, hopefully some good things are in store for meet day. And my deadlift...well it's always a work in progress it seems. This is where I need the most work in terms of prep, but I still feel pretty confident in my abilities to hit a big pull if I need it for a PR total. I'll just take my deadlifts "as needed" based upon my subtotal for the day. I'll be sure for my next meet to go back to the drawing board on this, and will probably seek some input from the Elitefts team members. I think I'm probably just going to need to deadlift actually less frequently like I do in my off season, as that's when my deadlift tends to feel the "best". It also explains why after some good rest my deadlift feels better at the meet.
All in all, a good training cycle, and I'm looking forward to meet day! If you're in the Columbus area or at the meet, be sure to come say high!
Saturday, October 17th, 2015 - Squat/Deadlift
Warm Up
- Reverse Hyper - 3x20
- Standing Cable Crunch - 3x20
A1) Squat - Worked up to 295x5x1
B1) Sumo Deadlift - Worked up to 295x5x1
C1) Seated Band Leg Curls - 3x25
D1) Plank - 3x60 sec
E1) Prowler - 3 Down and Backs, no rest - sled only
Sunday, October 18th, 2015 - Bench Press/Upper
Warm Up
- DB Bench Press - 55's x3x15
- Mini Band Face Pulls - 4x25
A1) Bench Press - Worked up to 225x3x3
B1) Neutal Grip DB Bench Press - 55's x3x20
C1) Rope Pressdowns - 3x20
C2) SA Band Flys - 3x20 per arm
D1) Band Pull Aparts - 100 total reps
Tuesday, October 19th, 2015 - Full Body
Warm Up
- Reverse Hyper - 3x20 (light)
- Standing Cable Crunch - 3x20 (light)
A1) Squat - 155x3x5
B1) Push Ups - 3x15
B2) Pull Ups - 3x10
C1) Inverted Rows - 3x10
C2) Band Pressdowns - 3x15
C3) DB Curls - 3x12