![First Week - Accessory Stuff](https://www.elitefts.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/custom-built-ghr.jpg)
I recently lifted in the 2019 APF Raw Challenge in Chicago. I ended up with an 1802 total via a 705 squat, 463 bench and 633 deadlift. I'll be starting an offseason right after New Years.
Day 3
Wide Stance SS Yoke Squat - 6 x 2 @ 315
Powerhouse bought an SS bar late last year, great add to the commercial gym and allows me to get a little extra squat volume in while still having access to all their machines and stuff. I want to do some "opposite" stance work as an accessory. I rarely squat with a wider stance, so I have to assume there are weaknesses as a result.
Stiff Leg Deadlift - 4 x 3 @ 225
Leg Extension - "Build Ups" with 115 for 2 rounds. 1 rep, rest. 2 reps, rest. And so on. I made it to 11 and 9 reps.
Planks - BW x 4 x 30 seconds
Day 4
Close grip incline - 3 x 5 @ 245. Whenever my incline press is strong, my bench is strong.
Machine Incline - 3 x 8 @ 180. Powerhouse has a really high incline that I like. Basically a blend of a shoulder and incline press.
Dumbbell Press - 2 x 12 @ 90
Preacher Curl - 3 x 12 @ 80
Dips - 4 x 8 @ BW
Rope Pressdowns - Build Ups - 50 through 12 reps. Switched it to a single arm pressdown, dropped to 20 pounds and did 2 x 20 per arm.
This week will be a little touch and go. Traveling for work Monday - Wednesday and then Friday - Tuesday for fun. Both destinations are warm, doing stuff I really enjoy! I'll be in the gym some but will have to miss a session or two I'm sure.