May 29th
No warm up. Commercial gym vibes
SQUATS. Work up to singles. Bar, 135, 185, 225, 275, 315, 365, 405, 455, 495, 520lbs
Smashed in a commercial gym. 5lb PR!!!!!!!
Bulgarian split squat. 3x5 BW, 25, 50lb
Heavy Ab pulldowns. 3x5 15/20/20
May 30th
Upper warm up….commercial gym
Incline KRAZY Belll. (Barbell and 25lb plates). 30/15/15
Arsenal Chest Support row. 3x5
Heavy AF, felt like 300lbs
Tricep Pressdowns. 3x5. 100/150/210/250lbs
Rev Pec Dec. 3sets x20/15/10
June 2nd
TTF upper warm up
BENCH PRESS 5x3. 105, 145, 195, 235, 285, 325x3 375x3
Pull ups x5 assist, 5BW, 3 with BW and 35lbs
June 3rd
TTF lower warm up
Box jumps got to 3rd highest again
Deadlift. Work up to a single.135x5, 225x4, 315x3, 405x1, 495x1, 550x1
Heavy Ab Pulldowns 3x5
Pretty good week esp with us being out of town and traveling.
For the groups we deloaded all week in preparation for next week as we start a 4 week block.