The internet is a powerful tool for so many things, including powerlifting. As the saying goes with great power- comes great responsibility or some shit like that. Now don't get me wrong I'll be the first to admit I'm one to stir the pot. My positive is I always use my real name, and I don't use some wishy-washy way to make myself look better, and you can be damn sure I don't use some damn formula to try to manipulate my strength level. Check it out.
This day in age, we have so many resources available to us, the first one that comes to mind is open powerlifting, light years ahead of that other bias panel ran site people used to "watch." So before I get started, I want to be very clear what they have done is nothing short of amazing, and this has nothing to do with them. BUT, some of these clowns will use that site for all the wrong reasons. As I mentioned above, open powerlifting has just done a fantastic job with the data they have complied. Unfortunately, it's given these no total having bums the opportunity to filter their way into a watered-down ranking, and I'll bet the first filter they run to is wilks.
This is where it gets tricky if you aren't searching for all time or year, open, total you aren't shit, you're using smoke and mirrors to inflate your standings within strength sports. So many people make excuses for the reasoning of them being weaker then another, "if I was sponsored" right, cause free knees wraps made me train as I did. "If I trained at that gym" sure pal, cause my gym makes me push through the pain. One of my favorites "If I took that much drugs" try it, see how fun that ride is homie. The list of bullshit excuses is endless. If you have to use a bunch of filters, a couple of formulas, or the word technically to make yourself appear stronger then someone else, find the tallest building in your are and swan dive off that motherfucker.
I want to end this by saying I get it, but I Don't and will never agree with that shitty weak way of thinking. I'm a sore loser, but I couldn't ever make an excuse about someone being stronger, so here's what I'm going to do:
Petr Petras, Daniel Bell, Odell Manuel, Brandon Allen, Ray Williams, Eric Lilliebridge, Shawn Doyle, Ivan Podrez, Dylan Hellriegel, Andrey Malanichev, Jp price, Mojtaba Maleki, Logan Chapman.
You guys are all stronger than me, congrats, and thanks for giving me such great numbers to chase. See, you'll come to a point in your training, and realize all you are doing is manipulating a formula or system to make yourself appear something you are not. At the end of the day-- I couldn't look myself in the mirror if I did that--so I'll do what I do best and keep training my ass off. I have 13 men who are stronger than me, that's 13 too many.
Does that make 16 guys stronger?
Just having fun, good luck growing that total