Currently: 3 Weeks Out from USAPL Cbus Lifting Co. Spring Classic

  I know for many exercise science students it can be a challenge to figure out what direction you want to go in for a career (and figure out the best way to do it). I've been fortunate to connect with professionals in many different areas; through my current job in Fitness & Wellness for Campus Recreation in higher ed, through Strength & Conditioning, Physical Therapy, etc.

  I do a lot of mentoring for students; and wanted to extend an offer to any exercise science students who would like any career guidance. If you would like advice on career paths or interview/resume tips, or have any general questions about figuring out where to head with your career; feel free to shoot me an email at - Either by email or phone we can chat and I will give you any help that I can (or point you in the direction of someone that can help).

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For Coaching & Programming Questions, feel free to contact me at


Competitively - My last competition was the  UPA Winter Rack Attack on December 17th (competed raw at 220lbs). It was my second meet back transitioning to competing raw, and my goal entering next year is to qualify for a larger raw competition (whether it be at the Arnold or elsewhere).

I'm currently the Fitness Director at Ohio University as well as Event Coordinator for EliteFTS. I'm also involved in coaching and public speaking on topics relating to powerlifting, coaching, education, student development, and mental health.


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