Warm up
The Arbitrary 18
Bench in Metal Jack size 60 520 2x2, 600 2x2, 680 2x1
Close grip bench with shoulder saver 315/365/375x8, 375x9
I'm 12 weeks out and am starting my equipped training. I got a Metal Jack shirt size 60. It was a tight fitting shirt for me. I never wear a shirt I have to struggle to get into. In order to break it in, I soaked it down with water. I was really shocked that I was able to touch 520. The groove was great, but that's too light of weight to come in. I was supposed to get doubles with the 680 but I couldn't fully lockout the second rep on both sets. I'll be interested to see how the shirt reacts without being wet.
This is why I find equipped training so much harder than raw. There's just so many more variables. Not to mention that working with heavier weights causes much more stress on the body. My hands are crazy sore. Other than that, life is grand. Time to put up or shut up.