The next few weeks will be conjug-ish until it's time to peak. We have speed work on Thursdays, ME work over the weekend, and some clusterfuck of bands and squats on Tuesdays.
Also as you can see, we now have prescribed rest periods. Because we do too much resting. Max effort resting.
- Warm Up
- Hanging Leg Raise
- Reverse Hypers
- Pull Down Abs
- Face Pulls
- Low Rows
- *2-4 sets (whatever you need)
- Box Squat
- Against light and mini band with 15 lbs more than last week for 5 sets of 5
- No more than 2 minutes rest between sets
230 lbs plus bands.
Keeping in line with doing things the right way, I actually set my box a little lower this time.
To be perfectly honest with myself and everyone, I’m not always that comfortable below depth in gear. I don’t always train down there. Because I try not to because I’m weaker. You know how I fix that? Getting stronger there. I actually put my ego aside for real and just fucking did it.
I think I feel ok making all of these changes during a meet cycle because I know I’m in the bottom of the WPO roster. Especially with my new weight class. I would have to do really well to make the top 15. So my goal is just to fix shit and have a good meet. If I make the cutoffs, great. If not, onto the next meet. So for me, the stress isn’t on placing, I just want to have a good meet. I have faith in the things Dave and Todd want me to do so I’m fine embracing the changes and just going with it. I’m actually excited to see what will happen. Even if it’s not a great meet, it’s always interesting to see the payoff of changes you make and see what to keep for down the road.
- Deadlift
- 50% for 10 sets of 1
- *no more than 45-60 seconds between sets
It's nice when your percentages are a normal number of plates on the bar.
225. More time to work on my new and improved deadlift setup!!!!!
- Glute Ham Raise
- 4 sets of 10 reps with no more than 2 minutes between sets
I only used 20 lbs on these now that I do these more correctly.
- Pull Down Abs s/s Hanging Leg Raise
- 5 sets 12 reps on each movements.
- Zero rest between pull down abs and hanging leg raise and no more than 2 minutes between series
This is like 25x more abs in a day than I’ve done since I first started lifting and thought doing some sort of core blaster HIIT circuit was important.
- Chest Supported Rows
- + 5 sets of 5 with no more than 2 minutes between sets
I’m back down to doing these with a plate and a quarter since I do a lot more stretching and muscle squeezing than just muscle fucking it up.
- Free time
Oh shit I wrote down my free time on my old phone then I switched phones. I’ll report back on this one in case anyone wants to check back after the fact….
- Warm Up
- Hanging Leg Raise
- Reverse Hypers
- Pull Down Abs
- Face Pulls
- Low Rows
- *2-4 sets (whatever you need)
- Bench Press
- 50% for 10 sets 3 reps with no more than 60 seconds between sets
All the raw bench percentages are based off my shirted bench since I’m coming right off a meet and my strength hasn’t changed much. 155 10x3
- JM Press Using Smith Machine and Shoulder Saver
- Work up to 5 sets of 5 reps with no more than 2 minutes between sets
I don’t fucking get this one. It always feels weird and I get it right on like one set. And the rest of the time I don’t know what muscles I’m using. Anyway I think I just worked up to a plate trying to get it right.
- One Arm Dumbbell Press
- Work up to 5 sets of 5 reps with no more than 2 minutes between sets
- Tricep Extensions
- + 60 reps total - no more than 60 seconds between sets
Rolling triceps with 20 lbs since I know we will be going up to like 600 reps and I always fuck myself over by going too heavy then I’m in trouble in the coming weeks.
- Shoulder Rope Rotation
- + one round
Front, side, rear raises then some innie outtie swirlie twirlies (™) (offiicial name)
- Pull Downs with American bar attachment.
- 1 sets of 8 with each grip no more than 2 minutes between sets
- Free time
Um I think some banded extensions, upper back stuff, and uh grip and uh I think one other thing maybe.