No other way to say it, this past Sunday was a great training session and a huge step in the right direction. For starters, I had some new gear arrive, which is always like Christmas morning at the Kirschen home. For my next meet, I've decided to take a break from my Jack gear and go back to the original METAL Pro line.
The reason for this switch is the fact that my last full gear work was pretty sub-par, simply because my gear was too supportive for my current strength level, making me a mile high with terrible form. Since it's both thinner and stretchier, I thought that the basic pro stuff might allow me to squat with better form and allow me to squat to the best of my current potential.
As the saying goes, you need the right sized bait to catch the right sized fish.
I will most likely go back to the jack when I am 100%, but for now, I'm hoping the Pro stuff will get me back in the ballpark. Anyhoo, here's how the squatting went.
Bar (60) x a million
150 x 5
200 x 1
240 x 1
290 x 1
Put METAL Pro brief on
330 x 1
380 x 1
420 x 1
Put METAL Pro suit on
470 x 1
510 x 1
560 x 1
600 x 1
650 x 1
710 x 1
The 650 actually broke parallel, the 710 was my first with knee wraps and it was close, but I got into my knees just a little bit. Still, it was the heaviest weight I've had on my back since June and the best I've looked technically in about the same amount of time. Honestly, it felt heavy as hell, but now that I have a gear combo I can actually squat in, it's just a matter of putting the reps in.
Finished with back extensions, pulldown abs and good-girl/bad-girls.