
warm up raw: bar - 225lbs

Feels like I went from suck to shit. Although, technique will always be something to work on - the way my gear fits will be the biggest factor in lifting heavier weights successfully. In my head, I keep thinking it’s me. But when it comes down to it, the tighter and more painful my gear is, the more rebound and advantage I will have. Today, I had no advantage. Keep working.

345lbs 3 x 3

GHR back extensions 3 x 15

Leg curls 3 x 10/10 partials

DB RDLs 3 x 20 each leg 

Tomorrow is CJs class for extra work


I'm picking Lily's brain on this as far as frequency and approach with putting my suit on. I'm learning that there isn't much of a difference on how I pull and the only concern is adjusting to a tighter suit when I'm closer to a meet.

My first training cycle I was pulling 1 x week with my suit and I don't feel the need to do that now. There's no strong why behind it personally. And just like an amateur lifter, getting comfortable and used to gear first time around is important. I have a tad bit of experience now and need to adjust accordingly.

Getting feedback on how I’m sepersting my days of training and some guidance on how to alternate raw/speed work/and a max effort day. I will share my learnings.

