I'm currently doing a 4-day training split as I get settled into my new job/city/routine, and sessions are being kept around an hour or slightly less. As I get my work routine settled in I'll have a better idea of how I need to adjust things and if I want to take a different training approach during Fall (when work will be considerably busier).

1: Primary Squat Day - Alternates between %-based competition squat, and squat variations based on RPE (SSB, front squat, pauses, etc). This also includes squat/deadlift assistance work.

2: Primary Pressing Day - Alternates between %-based and RPE-based pressing movements (bench press, floor press, etc). This also includes upper body assistance work.

3: Dynamic Squat Day - Waves of dynamic effort squatting (typically in briefs), as well as a lower body assistance work.

4: Overhead Press Day - Alternates between %-based and RPE-based overhead pressing movements. This also includes upper body assistance work.

 Primary Pressing Day

  • *1: Hammer Strength Lat Pulldown - 4x10

  • *2: Pushups - 4x30

  • A. Close Grip Pause Floor Press - Triples, working up to 285x4

  • B. Close(r) Grip Pause Floor Press - 3x10

  • C. Hammer Strength Seated Rows - 4x8

  • D1. Overhead Rope Tricep Extensions - 4x12

  • D2. Supinated Bicep Curls - 4x10 each arm (slow and controlled)
