This edit to this round of GPP was a major mistake, lol. Normally I would have the squats after day one, bench after day two, and deadlift after day three. I decided to remove them and make a fourth training day solely on barbell conditioning, this was such a huge mistake.
Squats were fine, the SSB bar was used and Ill be honest I may have been able to do a little more weight. I attempted to use the Elitefts American cambered bar adding weight to make it 55lbs for the entire time, HUGE mistake, my arms were shot afterward. This set me up for further failure with deadlifts as I ended up using straps cause this is not a grip strength exercise.
Why barbell conditioning and what the hell is it. In a nutshell, basically, take the repetition effort to the extreme along with all the breathing, bracing, and cueing you ever have learned and add a time limit to it, that Barbell conditioning. We start with a time limit and start low, we chose 6 min straight, so for that entire time limit, every 10 seconds you will do 1 rep. Between reps, you are never to re-rack a bar nor let it touch the floor trying to stay stable and tight. The purpose of this to feel every little movement of your body during a squat set up, really get a feel for the technique as you can take a rep and then sit and think about it, building on it for the next rep. All of this while accumulating fatigue from standing there loaded and braced. Give it a try, I promise you will be wrecked
1 rep every 10 seconds for 6 min straight roughly 20-30% of your 1rm
SSB Squat + 50lbs
American Cambered Bar Bench (deficit) + 20 lbs
Sumo deads + 90 lbs