We have 4 days is this GPP rotation, due to some schedule changes and my trip coming up I had to shift a bunch of stuff around so today was done on a Sunday. We started the day off with some sled drags in all directions. I was warmly welcomed into this workout with wet equipment, you can see my rant concerning why if you click here.
*Sled Drags, forward, backward, and side to side
*Single Leg Challenge: Pistol squat to box/bench, single leg glute bridge, split squat with a 3 count hold at the bottom, do 10 of each, then 8, then 6, then 4, then 2
*Single Leg Laying Leg Curls, hold for 2 counts at the top and a 5 second negative
*McGill Situps , hold for one count at the top of each crunch
*ROM WOD of the day