background: I work at OSU as a graduate teaching associate and lift at Ludus Magnus. I am a raw lifter who competes in the 105lb weight classes, and am currently prepping for my next meet (when grad school finally gives me a weekend off) . Currently, I am in the process of trying to accomplish my lofty lifting goals,survive graduate school, and teach undergraduates about what I really love, TRAINING..
Isometric Block Week1: The max effort days
Warm up-General
1. Stepper
Warm up-specific
2a.3 x 15 DB incline bench
2b.3 x 15 neutral grip fat grip lat pull down
3.Isomeric Contest speed bench with football bar, various grips
1 set:
X 3 x 60% with 3 count isometric at chest (no leg drive )
X 1 x 20lbs heavier, no pause, fast as possible (no leg drive)
4a.Low retract then row with 1 count pause at retraction and three count pause at end of full rep
3 x 15
4b.High incline DB Bench with 3 count ISO at chest
3 x 15
Assistance circuit x 2
5a.X 15 curls with ISO in middle of rep
5b.X 15 band bent over reverse fly with ISO
5c.X 15 DB shoulder raise with ISO at top of rep
DE lower-Wednesday
Warm up-General
1. Stepper
Warm up-specific
2a.Lunge matrix x 5 each (front, back, side, side)
2b.Squat to stand x 5
2c. Squat x 4
Neural prep
3. 3 x 3 clean activation
4. Speed pulls 8 x 3
1 set:
Clean with pause inch off floor x 1
Clean with pause inch off floor and then another at knee x 1
Clean with pause inch off floor and then another at knee and another at hip x 1
5a. Pause speed squat
9 x 2 x 3 count pause in bottom
5b. Box jump
9 x 1 x max height
Assistance x 2
6a. BW GHR x 15
6b. Reverse hyper with pause at top x 15 (stop momentum pause)
6c. Machine leg curl x 15
Aka hamstring hammer time circuit since you are hammering the hip extension and knee flexion actions of the hamstring in isolated and integrated movements!