During this training session, I pushed over 2,600 total pounds in just my work sets. With these work sets, the agenda was to use a one board for three sets and then touching for two sets. This ensures I get plenty of practice in my shirt and know right where my groove is. To say I'm confident in my shirt is an understatement. I have no doubt I will hit a 550 bench to keep me on track to my 2,000lb total. I had the pleasure to train with one of my oldest training partners, Bruce Mason and one of his training partners Chuck Mashburn. Having good training partners are of the utmost importance, especially when going into a meet. Bruce has been there since the beginning of my powerlifting career and knows my lifts better than I do (my common mistakes, strengths and weaknesses). If you don't have one, find yourself a Bruce (or a team) for your training. Nobody ever got better by getting smoke blown up their ass. They got better with constructive criticism or just a simple "don't be a pussy".
Warm Up
50lb DBs with Mini Band around back - 4x10
A. Shirted Bench
BW x 15
Add Shirt
405x2 - 2.5 Board
495x1 - 1.5 Board
535x1x3 Sets - 1 Board
525x1x2 Sets Touch to Chest
B. Heavy Partial Dips
4x10 - We used a free weight dip machine and just added a plate with every set. We ended with 8 total plates I believe, started with 4.
C. Heavy Pull Downs
D. Tricep Pushdowns
E. Face Pulls
F. Hammer Curls
Opener will be an easy 520lbs.