![Heavy deadlifts - 5 weeks out](https://www.elitefts.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/dave-tate-deadlift.jpg)
I recently lifted in the 2019 USPA National Championships where I totaled 1769 in wraps at 198 via a 655 squat, 451 bench and 661 deadlift. I'll be lifting at an APF meet in Chicago this December to wrap up the year.
The gym is so much fun right now. The environment is awesome with 4 of us being just about 5 weeks out. #GrandpaTim is our newest addition at 62 years old and coming off a 35 year off season. He's been a good add and is looking strong. Austin, Ryan and I will all be lifting in Chicago and both of them look super strong right now. Every week is fun in the garage right now! The energy is high and we are all feeding off of one another. This group has developed into one that I really love. There is just enough trash talk and competitiveness to make it awesome without getting at each other's throats too much.
1. SS Yoke Squats - 3 x 2 at 3 plates. Mostly just to warm up and be ready to pull.
2. Deadlift - Opener at 585 followed by an aggressive second attempt at 655. This also happens to tie my gym PR. Pretty good!
3. Pause Squats - 365 x 5 x 3
4. Terminal Knee Extensions - 3 x 15 per leg
5. 30 second planks. I did 5 sets of these.
I don't think I will take another heavy pull. Probably one more single in a couple weeks at either the last warm up or opener and that is it. Not much need to at this point. I felt good about this pull and think I am in a good spot to pull well in December. Should be a good meet!