After having set an all-time PR on my equipped bench press with 457lbs, I'm now in off season mode getting back to some heavy training while running my gym, THIRST.
For programming and coaching inquires, please email SmitleyPerformanceSystems@gmail.com or visit brandonsmitley.com
It's been a while since I've been able to post anything due to lack of ability to train since my surgery. As of December 19th, 2019 I've been cleared of my weight restrictions with the advice of "take a couple more days off, then ease back into strength training as my body allows". Not exactly the easiest thing to hear, as I still had some pain and honestly just did not feel like my body was up to doing much activity.
The day after, I did some empty sled drags for 2-3 minutes, a couple rounds, and that was all I was really good for. I was wanting to do some light arms or shoulders, but the surgery site was still rather sore and "burning". This is mainly a nerve issue post surgery, and is rather common based on my surgery site, and may stick around for upward of 3-4 months, so when I'll truly be able to train is TBD.
I'll be posting some logs of light training I've been able to get in, but it's nothing impressive but merely just being able to do something to feed that desire to get back to training.