Sat, 31 Mar 18

Events @ the Iron Strong CF

The title about sums up how today's training went.  "He's counting his change!" was a phrase used by Coach Thoma in wrestling matches when an opponent was slow to get up off the mat at the end of a round or when the ref would blow the whistle to signal a reset.  It was an indicator to the his wrestlers that the opponent was gassed and his mental resolve was lacking.

I didn't feel like my resolve was lacking or that I was unusually tired today, but I did feel like most of what I did was a comedy of errors and had I been in competition with anyone besides myself, it definitely would have appeared as if I was figuratively counting my change.

Circus DB C&P

band warmup

6ea x 115

3ea x 135

2x3ea x 155

1x155 - R arm only, screwed the pooch on the 2nd rep

3ea x 155 - This set was awful

I had planned to go heavier today, but all my sets with 155 were so awful that I kept it there for today.  At one point, I actually did a rep, then cleaned the second one and the DB slipped off the back of my shoulder and I had to drop it.  Despite feeling strong, I was uncoordinated and inconsistent across the board today.

Tire Flip/Prowler Drag Medley

4x{5 flips x 400/50' x prowler + 380} - First video after pic

I really thought the weight on the prowler was 400 until I was unloading it and realized I was using a 180 lbs keg instead of 200 lbs.

Arm Over Arm Prowler Pull

32' x prowler + 380

75' x prowler + 200

The knot I tied in the 2" rope came untied about halfway through the first pull and I nearly flipped off the back of the tire I was sitting on when I suddenly had nothing but slack in the rope (see pic).  After this I got pissed off and lowered the weight just to do one pull without errors.

Atlas Stone Shouldering

6x215 - Alternating shoulders

6x215 - All one motions, alternating shoulders, 2nd video after pic

I've never done one motion stone shouldering before, but I felt like I had so much momentum on the pick that I was having to slow myself down when I was lapping it, so the second set I kept going up instead and was able to do the whole set this way.  This was the thing I was most happy with from today's shenanigans.

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10x60' x prowler + 200 - EMOM