![Hip Shift Problems [8/3 Lower Body Training]](https://www.elitefts.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/IMG_4698-e1443667853964.jpg)
My first week back training consistently has evoked a variety of emotions-- ranging from excitement to frustration, and an unfamiliar sense of calm. I can't remember the last time I could set a schedule for training, and actually follow it consistently. Having control over my schedule has by far been the most enjoyable part of post-Bar and post-Law School life. Perhaps I've always had control and just continued to give it away due to poor judgment. Either way, I feel in control now-- and it's incredible.
Training this week has also been an opportunity to diagnose a number of mobility issues that have come up and were not addressed during these past few months of Bar Prep craziness. One in particular (that I expect is the main source of my other ailments) is a prominent hip shift/ hip drop. My right hip sits much higher than my left, and in general, I sit into my right hip far more than I do into my left. This has resulted in a complete lack of firing on my back side (especially the right side).
I'm going to be working with my wonderful mobility and activation savvy friends and teammates to try and resolve this movement issue-- stay tuned for results!