After we have done our MINIMAL amount of digging for resources in our area now we can get more involved in actually reaching out for help and how to go about doing it. I want you to remember back to one of the last points in part one, reaching out to someone and seeing if they will answer any questions you are confused about. This will end in one of three ways:
1- you will be ignored and not get a response
2- you will be responded to with a price list of services
3- you will be given general information regarding the topic you inquired about that will actually be helpful moving through the information you have read up on.
So what next, after you have attempted to watch people you are interested in train themselves and the free online information you have found regarding training we now can make a decision to invest in our hobby or passion, in other words, actually give money to someone to make us better do not miss those bold letters.
- After implementing B from part one
1. Reach out to the facilities that offer equipment applicable to the strength sport you are interested in
2. See if the facility offers other helpful information or
services regarding sport
3. see if individuals in the sport are near you who are qualified to coach
B. Make a list of people who have put out information that has drastically helped you in the past 3-6 months
1. this can be authors, athletes, and coaches. Just remember all of these individuals have the potential to be good and bad in their career field, this is why there are so many steps to take in finding a good fit.
C. After Implementing C2 - #2 from part 1 you can decide if the information was helpful.
1. if that information was helpful, reach out to that person, especially if A -#3 from above is not logistically possible.
2. See what the person offers as far as services go and if it fits your budget.
3. if #2 is out of the picture go to all of the resources that coach has and try and learn everything you can
D. Red Flags
1. If you are not grilled with questions regarding your prior training and they just start taking you as a client.
2. if you just get programs with minimal instruction.
3. Feedback that takes longer than 36-48 hrs REPEATEDLY
4. no feedback
5. no instructional videos or content to help you understand
6. no open dialogue to ask questions or open to change
E. White Flags
1. health history form
2. tons of communication
3. the online content they send is of their own and reputable
4. their affiliations are reputable
5. longevity of their career in the field
6 retention rate of current clients
7. how they are viewed by their peers