It actually amazes me what some men come up with, thinking it's an appropriate way to talk to women...or people in general.

I mean, I get it. Sometimes you have to test the water to see how far you can push boundaries. But that usually comes after some familiarity has been established. Not on the initial contact. But what do I know, right?

Sometimes being a gentlemen has its perks. You can like...get numbers, and stuff. Sure, some girls fall for the whole asshole theme. But most girls are going to appreciate you not being overly suggestive, especially in a pretty open environment. And especially NOT in front of your clients.

Me: Hey, do you know where I can find a foam roller?

Trainer dude: Yeah, there's actually one in the corner there.

Me: Ah man. Can't use those ones, they're too soft. Thanks anyway though.

Trainer dude: Yeah, they are a bit soft. I bet you like something rough, huh? *winks and laughs*


Do you see these muscles, mother*$*#&?! I will cut you. I might not look like a lady, but I sure as hell act....wait, never mind.

No seriously though. Last week it was a dude telling me this:


If you think this is ever an appropriate thing to say to a woman you just met, please think again.

That concludes today's addition of "How Not to Talk to Women 101". More to follow, unfortunately, I'm sure.


Squats (ATG; narrow stance)

bar x bunch



215x8 (x3)

Good Mornings:


165x8 (x2)

Pause Deadlifts (3 seconds):


185x5 (x2)

Leg Press (SS w/jump squats)



360x12 (x2)