So this post isn't about me directly-- but it's something I think about often.
Here's the story:
So someone in my life (let's call him Joe), is a college athlete (let's say he runs track) and while he may or may not continue to play soccer after college-- he is very good, and plays a big role on the team. That being said, he's a college student/has a life/ wants to have fun (clearly, this is true of most people-- regardless of where they're at in life) and there's a balance to be struck between enjoying life & doing what you need to for your sport (especially when it's not a career).
So, Joe enjoys playing basketball with his friends (just recreationally/randomly/for fun)-- but he's been injured (nothing serious-- but put him out of commission for a few weeks) before, and it just happened again.
So this being said-- it got me thinking... as an athlete, should he stop doing things like playing basketball just because of the potential to get hurt, and therefore keep him from training for his actual sport? How many of us in strength sports hesitate to engage in other activities because we either have training, or a meet, or some other PL/Strongman/Oly/etc. related reason in the back of our heads? I'm not sure where I land on this, or what approach I think is best (or even if we need to have an approach? Is it that serious? Are we doing ourselves a disservice by hesitating/holding back/not having more spontaneous fun?), but it's something that I've been thinking about.