I can see how bald I'm getting.

Pissing match #2. Second victory! Training is going swimmingly.



I had no idea what I was getting myself into lifting against Jake. This kid is a little monster! 18 years old. 150 lbs and a 1300+ lbs total raw. Insane.

The second positive I took from this is that I was able to push myself and lift weights. This will kick off my new training cycle. I am going back to 5/3/1. It is where I saw the biggest jump in numbers. I have starting out slow. I will plan 1 month at a time. I find that when I do big grand plans months in advanced, I get board because I see the numbers at the end and want to do those numbers and not the numbers I'm doing now.

I will post My training on here as well. The whole training. Mostly so I have it accessible all the time 🙂