At this time my strongman schedule is not yet determined leading into the fall. I am slowly working back into grip training with several opportunities, goals and competitions on the horizon which may also include Highland Games late this fall. My training time has been extremely limited due to actual physical access to the equipment due to exploding gym hours and new members. While it's a great problem to have, I long for the days of having a home gym so I could train whenever I want to.
I really enjoy my time on the treadmill. It's become my sanity. At the start of this calendar year I talked about big changes coming and was looking forward to it all. While that continues to be true, getting there is grueling. Life sucks right now.
Now don't flip and think I'm going all Emo on you. Not at all. There is another side that we will cross over into soon. THAT is why it is important to keep moving forward and wading through the muck. I truly need to apologize that my training the last several months is all over the place. I am doing my best every single day and that's all I can do. I truly need my training to get back on track as soon as possible.
This week's non lifting days included treadmill, 4x30 minutes just walking at a brisk pace.
Kettlebells - 1 day of the usual....10 double, 10 left, 10 right, rest 2 minutes then repeat x3