Today was a bench day at Apollon.
The main lift for the day was an incline bench press, which is a bit of a departure for us. We occasionally use it as a second movement, but this was our first time (in a very long time) using it as a max effort movement. We've done used a slight incline before, but not the 45 degree bench
Started with the bar for a bunch, then went:
95 x 5
135 x 5
185 x 1
225 x 1
255 x 1
275 x 1
300 x 1
This had to be a pr, because I can't even remember the last time I did this one.
After the benching, I did a couple of light sets to failure with 225. I got 9 on the first and 8 on the second.
After the inclines, I did some dumbbell overhead presses. I feel like my shoulder strength is lagging right now and it's hurting the bottom range of my bench. I didn't go very heavy, and kept it to 4 sets of 12 at 55lbs to keep from completely frying my shoulders.
Next up were 5 sets of 10 pulldowns.
Finished with 4 sets of 15 triceps extensions on the assisted pulp machine. We just did the pushdown movement on the knee platform.
Good day overall, starting to get stronger.