It's been a week since we've launched our YouTube content and the feedback we've gotten thus far has been so positive. This is something Casey and I really didn't think much about. We came up with the idea one night and boom, we went for it. This reminds me of something I heard on the Joe Rogan podcast and Joe basically admitted that sometimes they just show up in the studio, get high and say fuck it, let's just record. If you overthink it, want it to be perfect or you're waiting for the "right" moment, you'll never do it or it will become this over complicated idea. We want this to be as raw as possible. It's about training, love and life and everything in between. We're excited to see where this goes and more excited if through this learning process someone finds something meaningful and tangible.

Here's a little intro and the first two episode of #coupledinstrength. Enjoy!

Being in a relationship can be your greatest asset or heaviest anchor. We've been on both ends of the spectrum in our short relationship. Our YouTube content will be a way for us to share our hardships but more importantly our breakthroughs- a little insight into how two meatheads fell in love, fought, and learned to fall in love all over again.

