Have you ever dove so deep into something that the light around fades into the darkest of darks, and the only visible image is the one in your mind- the one that drives you deeper-not concerned with when you'll be ever to take in your next breath? All be it a metaphor, to achieve greatness that's what it takes, the willingness to go deeper and darker than the next- yet you must understand the repercussions of such a selfish act of commitment.
I guess in some twisted way I've blessed and or cursed with an ability to cut off people and things in an instant for my personal gain. I do enjoy relationships, and building with likeminded people. I thoroughly enjoy helping people without any expectation of reciprocation. I recognize the fact that you'll need people, you'll need help. There's one specific thing about clawing your way towards the top is all of these things are temporary, and people change like the seasons.
You'll find yourself pledging an allegiance to people who's momentum adds a boost to your trajectory, and will feed off that energy. This can last, and I do feel deeply that the longer it remains the cleaner the burn, but the longer the burn, the farther the fall when it comes time for deadweight to be jettisoned to stay on target with your destination. You will, at some have to make a decision that will affect others, even others you care about that will hurt peoples feelings for your benefit.
Only at this time will you see how bad you want to obtain your goals. People will turn their backs, second guess, and criticize your decisions. You have to understand that you will lose friends, you will ruin relationships, you will also realize that it's YOUR goal, and you cannot let any outside interference deter you from that. Time isn't infinite; you can be on top of the world, and in a fraction of the moment be 6 feet within the world. So, you're going to have to decide whats it going to be, make everyone around you happy, or make your dreams come true?
I know someone will read this and laugh- that's ok I'll probably laugh at your monotonous 9-5 stay up late on a Friday to drink with your buddies lifestyle, to each is their own. For my people who want their names on boards, my people who want to be an ATWR holder, for those who want those four digits next to their name to have some fucking meat on it, this is for you. Everyday wasted wondering-contemplating is another closer to death and not reaching your full potential as a strength athlete. It's like anal; it's easier to ask for forgiveness than it is for permission- so realize your years being able to chase the dream of greatness are limited, you have forever after to make up for it.
If people genuinely care and love unconditionally they will understand, it doesn't mean they have to agree or even enjoy the journey, but they will be there for the good the bad and everything in-between. You, and only you know what's best for you and your goals, you cannot let others dictate what you do to achieve them- by any means necessary. Remember it's not them cutting weight or gaging on the last few bites of a meal, it's you. It's not them who wake up every morning and struggling to walk and put socks on or make it down the stairs; it's you.
I think of it like climbing a mountain with a group of people. you may start out with 30, and once you reach a certain point ten will drop out. Up a few thousand more feet and your down to ten. You'' lose another few over the next few thousand feet and at the top just before the peak you may be left with one or two ride or dies and even then you have to be willing to leave them behind to reach the peak, or turn around and waste yet another training cycle hoping to recreate something that isn't guaranteed to ever be duplicated again.
When you reach that peak, you leave whoever the fuck can't make it, that's what you do- you succeed no matter fucking what- cause that is what YOU set out to do, and never let anyone speak ill of that choice. Those who do are merely jealous of your courage to have the heart to chase down a dream. I don't know the dude for shit, but the quote is fitting, David McCullough Jr. once said: "Climb mountains, not so the world can see you, but so you can see the world" - fucking right.