Jan 2nd
CAMBERED BAR BOX SQUATS. Work up to single Bar, 160, 230, 280, 300, 350,400lbs, 450lbs=pretty easy def go 500+ next time
B split squat BW, 30, 60lbs 3x5
Heavy AB pulldowns. 3x5 14/17/20
Jan 3rd
5x2, 65, 155, 205, 245, 295, 305, 335, 385lbs
Chest supported rows (sit). Total LBs. 4x2. 100,200,245,290,335lbs
DB lat raise (SS) Tricep pressdowns
Last set 20lbs and stack
Jan 4th
Treadmill 6min. 3.5MPH for 5min then 4.5 for 1min.
Neck 85lbs 1x12
Nautilus curl machine. 20/15/10/5/5. Finished with stack, crappy ROM.
Plank 1:15
DeadBug w/band x6
January 5th
SPEED DEADLIFT 6x1. Red and small black band. 95lbs
Inverse Leg Curl 3x5. 45/35/25lb plate for assistance
Jan 6th
DB MIL. 5x5. 30/50/70/75/80/95lbs
Lat Pull-down 5x5. 130/140/150/170/200lbs
BB shrug (SS) Tank Tricep
Worked up to 305lbs on shrugs
not a bad week. If I keep getting healthier every week and keep progressing like I am I should be at a decent level of strength in the next few months. I am really enjoying the process of getting stronger and putting some weight back on.
For our clients we did 15 reps on everything. We super cited some calisthenics and between everything. We will start dropping the reps next week and get back to the strength Phase into weeks.