Ladies, how many of you have peed on the platform, in training or in competition when you deadlift?
I personally have seen lots of it and I'm here to help you. It has never happened to me and I can credit this one simple exercise that I do regularly.
Some get embarrassed when it happens and I'm sure I would be. Having weak Kegel muscles is no different than other weak muscles we have. We just have to know how to strengthen them so these monumental pulls we do in public don't leave us with wet panties and a pile of pee on the floor.
Maybe it doesn't embarrass you and makes you proud of how hard you worked to pull that heavy weight, regardless, try this exercise will fix what ails you. This will help in other aspects of your personal life as well.
Can you guess, It's the KETTLEBELL SWING
The kettlebell swing when performed properly can be the best exercise for strengthening those Kegal muscles. When you swing the bell and you are driving your hips and squeezing your glutes make sure you squeeze your Kegal muscles. Squeeze them every single swing and you will fix your peeing problems within months, maybe even weeks.
Add some swings to your program you are on now or swing on it's own, just swing.
Like all exercises you need to engage the muscles you are trying to work so remember, dont' just swing, squeeze your glutes, your Kegals and engage your abs when you swing. You will have results in no time.
I had a client coming to one of my kettlebell classes. She used to pee when she ran. After coming to my classes for a few months I got a text my friend. She was in tears, she was running on the treadmill at the gym and she wasn't peeing!
It works, period. Give it a try and be sure and do those swings properly, if you need help, send me a video or message, I am here to help you!
#kettlebellswings. #strongkegals #squeezethoseglutes