Here's what should be my last "catch-up" post in a while. Have some projects finishing up, so should be able to log my training in real-time from here on in.
Two Mondays ago was a bench day, and a great one at that!
We worked up on a floor press with 3 sets of chain, which is good because it's time to start hammering the top-end of my bench if I want to compete this summer. Here's how it went:
Bar x a bunch
3 chains x 5
95 x 1
135 x 1
185 x 1
225 x 1
275 x 1
295 x 1
315 x 1
When I looked back into my logs, I didn't see a pr for a 3 chain floor press, but I did see that my best 2 chain floor press was only 305. So that means I pr'd by 10 lbs plus a chain.
After working up, I did a back-off set of 5 with 225 for a little more volume, then went on to assistance (sorry, don't remember what, it's been a while and my brain sucks)
As good as that week was training-wise, the rest of it was kind of a shit-show.
Sunday was a deadlift session, and I was looking forward to seeing how much my pull has increased since I've started back up again with full lifting. I hit 545 back in January and was hoping for an increase of at least 40-50 lbs. I worked up to 545 with no problem, then 565 stopped me dead in my tracks... twice.
I initially had no idea what the hell happened, but looking back at the video, I could see that my back more rounded than it should have been. Plus, the floor was slippery and I was having a little bit of trouble setting my feet into my sumo stance. Still, this weight should have been a breeze.
The next day was almost as bad.
It was a full gear bench day, and I was scheduled to touch with something in the opener range. I wound up working up to 605, but twice I hit the J-hooks at lockout. The weight felt really light, but it just kept hitting the damn rack.
Since I'm using a new prototype bench shirt (which I really like) I'm wondering if the new shirt has changed my groove a little, causing me to arc the weight a little further back than usual. I guess I will have to start setting up a little further back on the bench. I may have to stat using a 3 man hand-off because my leverage will not be that great out of the rack.
So kind of a disappointing week, but this happens. Looking forward to a great week of training starting tomorrow!