Thurs, 21 May 15
Today was awesome, though I was expecting the complete opposite going into the training session. I had some curried goat and rice last night for dinner from a Jamaican restaurant here in town and apparently "curried goat" is code to my digestive system for "explosive diarrhea." I was getting maximum usage from my squatty potty this morning before leaving for the Unit. I thought I was good to go until I finished my dynamic warmup, at which point I knew there was no way I was going to be able to do a heavy log and also keep my underbritches free of feces. So I locked up the Unit and headed over to the mall to answer nature's call. I should also mention I was training about 6 hours earlier than usual since it was supposed to rain hard all day here and I wanted to do my max log work outside the Unit instead of inside so I wouldn't be so cramped. After I got back to the Unit to resume training, there was more bad news - my guessing of the timing of the start of the rain was about an hour off and now I would be forced to train inside on the platform with very little room for error. Oh, and I am storing a dining room table and chairs in there as well in preparation for moving to out of my apartment and into a house tomorrow. So if I screwed up and lost my balance backward or had to dump the log behind me, it would be clobberin' time for my furniture. F@ck. Nothin to it, but to do it at this point so do it I did.
Log Clean & Jerk
complex x 85
complex x 135
complex x 185
1x330 - This was a 5 lb increase from my last training block, which I was expecting.
1x340 - I wasn't totally sure about this, especially since the 330 had been a bit of an ugly press out, so I figured I would at least try to clean it and see how it felt up in the rack position. I did that and it didn't feel any worse than 330 had felt so I gave the old dip and drive and BOOM! New world record! My knees caved in on my leg drive and my split was not great and it was another partial press out, but I don't give a flying falcon f@ck because this is a new lifetime PR of 5 lbs up on my old PR of 335 from about two and a half years ago. Plus, based on how awful my technique was on the leg drive and the split, I know if I can do it with my normal technique that I will be good for at least another 10-20 lbs easily. I just need more reps with heavy weight and a little more activation and strengthening for my hip external rotators. Video is on my Instagram.
Wtd Pullups
3x55 - All these sets bothered my right bicep a little and the discomfort increased as the weight increased, plus I was shifting over to my left arm more at the top to accommodate for the pain, so I stopped here. At least it wasn't really very heavy.
I'll train events on Saturday to finish up this training block and try for a farmer's walk up in the mid 300s or higher, I hope. I start moving furniture and such tomorrow afternoon, but there is not a huge rush to get moved since I am forced to pay for one more month in my apartment so hopefully I won't be exhausted like I would be after moving all of my earthly possessions in one day.