Fri, 25 Nov 16
Block 8, Wave 2 - Clean/Assistance II
My write up and video from my win at Maryland's Strongest Man last weekend is up on the site and can be read/watched here. It was my 7th time competing in MD Strongest and my 5th first place finish.
Today cleans felt immeasurably better than they did 2 weeks ago. Possibly due to my post-Thanksgiving bloat, possibly from neurological adaptation, possibly because I didn't take idiotic jumps on something I haven't done in over a year. Regardless, I'm 99% certain that I hit a lifetime PR for a raw triple on cleans today, so of course I did not get any video of it.
Box Jumps
5xBW to 30"
5xBW to 37"
5xBW to 39"
complex x 45
complex x 95
3x185 - These were smooooooooth.
3x275 - Raw PR, both on the lift as well as my guttural bellowing.
Neutral Grip Pullups/6 Way Shoulders
6xBW - 42 total reps, up 6 from last time, and at a fatt(er) body weight being the day after the giving of thanks.
Reverse Hypers/GHR Situps