background: I work at OSU as a graduate teaching associate and lift at Ludus Magnus. I am a raw lifter who competes in the 105lb weight classes, and am currently prepping for my next meet (when grad school finally gives me a weekend off) . Currently, I am in the process of trying to accomplish my lofty lifting goals,survive graduate school, and teach undergraduates about what I really love, TRAINING..
Like everything, all good things must come to an end..and accordingly; this is the last week of my three week isometric block...
DE upper-Monday June 22
General Warm up
Specific Warm up
2a.Pull down
3 x 15
2b.Floor press
3 x 15
3.Speed work: contrast speed benching with ISO pauses and cambered bar
1 set:
X 3 reps with 3 count pauses either before chest , at chest, or coming off of chest
X 1 x 20lbs heavier fast as possible no pause
4a.Floor press
3 x 5
4b.SA row
3 x 5e
Shoulder finisher
5. 2 sets x 45 continuous reps
DE lower-Wed June 24
General Warm up
Specific Warm up
2a.Squats BW x 10
2b. BW lunges (front, lateral, back) x 10 each leg x 10 each style
2c. BW squat to stand x 10
Neural prep
3. Kneeling jumps
2 x 3 reps
4a. Speed work: three position pauses speed squat
1 rep:pause half way on way down, pause in bottom, pause half way coming up.
Note: you need to try to accelerate and decelerate very fast between pause positions throughout the rep. This is a great exercise to build 1)starting strength 2) strength at your sticking point and 3)
Reasoning: Correct body position breakdowns during your squat. It is not hard to do this exercise, but extremely hard to do it correctly. Here; dropping he ego is huge. Use the weight needed to do it correctly. I used 135.
9 x 2 reps x 135 lbs
4b. Box jumps max height
9 x 1
Failure assistance; 1 set of each to failure
5b.Back ext
5c.Reverse hyper
5d.Lying leg curl
First few weeks of the PhD have really been killing me. Unlike all good things which come to an end (at some point, or I've been told), I hear this endeavor takes more than awhile to reach the end of!