I just watched my bro Joe Sullivan get wheeled away to get his second bicep reattached. I'm sitting in the waiting room thinking, this is it, this how it goes-- you push the envelope and injury it's coming, it's imminent. I see Dave every week, pieced together with bionic parts, yet still training. You don't find a reason to quit; you find a way to train. People might laugh, or call it stupid, but if this shit sets your soul on fire, you'll get it.
I, as most people who go all in, have had my fair share of ups and downs during my time. From way-way up to way way-way down and anything in between and no matter how many times I flipped the fuck out and said "fuck powerlifting" I never could give up. I've had people from all aspects of my life ask me why I continue or suggest I "ease up" or pivot into something else. Being asked what the end game is, fuck that is a great question, I'm entrenched in this shit, I can't think end game.
Why would I give up, money, friends, relationships, health-- these are the reason people dump on me. I hate that shit if I loved building model airplanes and spent half my time in my basement gluing mini propellers on it be okay. Here's the thing, all the injuries I have had or will have are MY pain if I don't wanna slave at a 9-5 or have a social life or be "healthy" that's all on me so shut the fuck up.
A sport where the prizes are scars and plastic trophies, I couldn't imagine just rolling over for dead. Not a fucking chance. Lions grow up they climb the ranks, and they have to claw and fight to prove to the pride that they are worth being at the top. At some point, they get older, smaller and become too weak and injured to fight anymore. Until one day they lay down for the last time under some tree and fall asleep never to wake up, but never did they think or leave the Serengeti, that's my attitude, that's my brother Joe's attitude.
Keeping like-minded people near, it keeps you pushing, how can you be a pussy and skip a day or complain because your hurting when the guy next to you injured wishes he was only hurting. As lame as this sounds, I got you, Joe, I'll win the Arnold, and you can have my cheesy fucking trophy, I am keeping the overall belt tho lol. So heal the fuck up so we can do some crazy shit 2019. We have Russians to chase, USA USA USA.