So a friend of mine recently moved from Miami to Pittsburgh. He came by Union Fitness to check out the place and catch up- why he moved, what was I up to. I told him that I was really enjoying my time in Pittsburgh, and my job has made the experience even better because it's my job to socialize. To get to know my community and be as active as possible. He kind of laughed and said "you like to socialize?"
We knew each other from the idolmaker days back when I just started lifting. It made me reminisce and realize where I came from to where I am now. I was going through a lot of personal/family issues, then. I did not have an open mind and was a very closed off person.
People tend to point the finger or become bitter of their past. We all have a past. We all have gone through something. Some more severe than others. And it made me think- what if I was the same? What if I never grew as a person. I think I would have settled, and that scares me more than anything.
I responded to him "I love to socialize. I think back then I was just going through things that I wasn't sure how to handle. But, now, I've grown as a person." I wouldn't be where I am, and I've had amazing opportunities that have helped me along the way.
That's when you know you've failed. When you don't want better. When you don't grow as a person. When you haven't learned from your experiences. It gave me a new appreciation to, myself.
We have to accept in order to move forward. We have to work on ourselves everyday. We have a responsibility. We have a choice. And, it is up to you to choose to climb the ladder, leave your mark, make an impact. Or, you can settle.