This Christmas has been so strange for me. I decided I could use a gym sesh to be around my frands...so I did just that. I swear every time I go there I just want to be like screw it...and lift, but then I don't. Meh. Anyway, not much to report, I just did bracing and core work...shocker. My back has good days and bad days. The good days make me feel like I could start lifting again in a few weeks and be okay, the bad days make me feel hopeless...like that this will never go away. I think the most frustrating thing for me is actually knowing that it's this annoying discomfort, and no matter what I do, it seems to always come back.
Like, how about this, all I want for Christmas is for my back to be healed. Is that so much to ask?
Anyways, after the gym I spent the day prepping the house and food for dinner. I went to pick up my gram and got everything ready. My Dad was in the hospital for 3 days and got cleared to come home around 2pm. At 24 it's weird to think about how the holidays are already changing, how my parents are getting older. How one day, maybe Christmas will be at my house....like what? One day I'll be wrapping presents and playing Santa for my kids, decorating a house and a tree, making my own traditions and memories, old and new, with my family. So weird, but so exciting.
I work on Christmas this year, because I decided to pick up a shift at one of our residential programs. They're staffed 24/7, and basically I will just be giving out meds all day and talking with residents. Which honestly, is super enjoyable...I get to be at their disposal, for whatever they need. I'm grateful for that, and I'm grateful for every single medical/social service worker out there putting in their time today to be with those who need you.
I figured I have many years of not working during the Holiday's and wanting to spend it with my partner and family, so why not give someone with kids a break for the holiday, so they can be with their little ones. Anyway, Happy Holidays everyone. Be safe!